
'Sony with a chance' sponsored club!

There has been a lot of talk about the 'Sonny with a chance' club the past week. And now the club is finally here. But since it's a sponsored club it's only available for the Scandinavian stardoll user this time. But as usual there is a way for all other members to join the club. So if you're not from the Scandinavia:

1. Go to http://surfaanonymt.se , if this site doesn't work try one of these manual proxy servers: port 8080 port 80

and while the page is loading press the 'Join' button.

And now how to get the outfit:

1. Look at the club's homepage. At your right you should see a text where it says something like (translated into english):

Invite 5 friends to the club and you'll get a free outfit from the show that fits you MeDoll.

Just under that text you can choose fiv
e friends to invite. Choose them one at a
time till it says "0 kvar".

Now you should have the outfit in you suite in a prestent from Stardoll Admin.

Hope you understands what to do!

xoxo Jylia7

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